Respiray introductory video for crowdfunding campaign on the Indiegogo platform

Respiray is an Estonian technology company whose wearable air purifier is scientifically proven to drastically reduce airborne allergens from the air inhaled by the user.

So as their mission is to make Respiray Wear A+ air purifier and clean air accessible to everyone, they turned to us with a wish for a high-quality introductory video and photos for their crowdfunding campaign on the Indiegogo platform.

Provided services


We poured our hearts into this project as we worked on this from start to finish. Starting from the concept and finishing with post-production and everything in between.

We had two full days of filming – one in the studio and the other in our client’s office unit. Both were fulfilled with good vibes and laughter. As a result, we are extremely proud of how everything turned out!

Check it out!